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Country:, Europe, DE

City: 9.491 , Germany

  • michael brenner - wipe new

    I used this product on my 2002 Toyota Sienna which has a lot of exterior vinyl. Using very sparingly as per instructions the small 1.5 oz bottle covered the exterior, and made a big improvement in appearance. Next year the verdict will be out on how long it lasts. Personally I wouldn't use this product inside the vehicle as the fumes are really bad. I'd use Armoral. If the product lasts as long as the manufacturer claims I would give a 5 star rating. If it lasts only one season it's too pricey.

  • M. Tompkins - Best Product!

    My friend told me about this product because I asked her why her hair always looked so good. "It's the Taffy." she said. I found it on Amazon for less than the local salons even with shipping. It works so well with my fine hair. LOVE IT!