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  • http://www.mynewspiritnaturals.com/Contact.html My New Spirit Naturals - Welcome to My New Spirit Naturals, the home of Spirituality Information about nutrition, health, wellness, and holistic healing, seeking to change the health of the world by providing spirituality information to one person at a time via the web.

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  • RObB,Z-Hills, FL - GREAT to bypass filing keurig K cups!

    I use it with my keurig simply because I didn't enjoy waiting long periods of time waiting for heated water to make it through the espresso grind and into my cup. I add 3 levels of extra fine ground into the primula and press the large sized cup button 2 to fill up my mug. I wash it over the sink and it's ready to use it again. It spills over periodically since the sides of the primula are not really high enough but could be since the keurig has a higher reach.

  • Sandy Hack - There's Plenty Here to Upset Both Liberals and Conservatives

    This thoroughly researched analysis of the overwhelming changes in American society since 1960 is compelling reading. Murray compares a prototypical "New Elite Class" town (Belmont) with a "New Lower Class" town (Fishtown) and convincingly concludes that the growing division is not a function of race, but of class. Until the 1960s America had a homogeneous culture; people had 3 TV stations to watch, nearly universal employment, marriage, religious observance, and a low crime rate. The downside was the status of African Americans and women, who had severely constricted life choices. Elites and the working class used to live fairly similar lives in close proximity. Now, the New Lower Class is experiencing sharp deterioration and the New Elites have segregated themselves and pulled up the drawbridge.